Air Quality Sensors
The Air Lab measures CO2, temperature, relative humidity, and the air
pollutants VOC, and NOx (indexed) using high-quality sensors.
On-Device Analysis
Short and multi-day measurements are analyzed directly on the device using
the built-in E-Paper display and touch bar.
Full Data Access
Connect the Air Lab to your computer as a USB flash drive and download all
measurements as .csv files.
Hold, Stand or Hang
Use the built-in stand to place the Air Lab on a shelve or attach the
included lanyard and take it with you.
At home, at work
The Air Lab constantly monitors the air quality in your environment and
shows the current condition in passive mode.
A measuring tool
The fine resolution recording feature makes the Air Lab a great tool for
professional measurements of indoor rooms and outdoor surroundings.
Connected Sensor
Connect the Air Lab over WiFi and MQTT to a broker to collect real-time
air quality data in your office, workshop, factory floor or space station.
For Education
The Air Lab is not only a great device to learn about air quality. As a
STEM platform it can be used to teach statistics and take the first steps
into programming.
Marked Samples
Samples can be marked with an increasing number. This allows correlation
in controlled measurement scenarios.
Vertical Screen
When positioned vertical, the Air Lab automatically switch to a portrait
layout in passive mode.
BLE Interface
Access the most recent sensor values from your smartphone or tablet and
integrate with your Smart Home system.
MQTT Publish
Connect to a WiFi and enable the built-in MQTT client to publish data in
real-time to many systems supporting the protocol.
Multi Language
Select from English, German, Spanish and many more languages to ease
everyday use.
High CO2 Alert
Turn on the alert mode and the let Air Lab blink or buzz if it detects
high concentration of CO2.
The Components
We’ve taken great care to select high quality components while keeping power
usage low.
Air Sensors
SCD41 & SGP41
Anodized Aluminium
Support Circuit
On/Off Controller
Capacitive Touch
Wi-FI & Bluetooth LE
Power Usage*
Turned Off
37 uA / 4.5 years
Passive Mode
2 mA / 30 days
Recording Mode
8 ma / 7.5 days
* Stated battery life is carefully estimated but subject to ongoing firmware